


Megapixel cameras have been one of most significant advancements for video security in recent history, and have permanently changed how professionals think about their video surveillance solutions. Since their introduction, the demand for Megapixel technology within the security industry has continuously increased year-over-year.

那么百万像素这个技术到底有什么优势? 我们将在下面列出以下主要的优势:

There are several key advantages made possible by Megapixel technology, including:


Ultra High Resolutions

一款百万高清安防监控摄像机所输出的图像分辨率是普通模拟摄像机所输出图像的4倍。 更高的分辨率可以提供更多的细节。 更多的细节能更好地进行辨认和监控。

The image resolution delivered by a Megapixel camera is at least 4x higher than that of a traditional analog CCTV camera. Higher resolution provides greater detail. Greater detail allows for better identification.

传统模拟摄像机最大可以输出704x480像素的标清视频, 这就意味着图像的仅能覆盖7乘5米宽的区域

Analog CCTV security cameras have up to 704 x 480 pixels which mean that they can cover an area 23 feet wide and 16 feet wide and still be able to achieve forensic detail. Comparatively, a Megapixel camera has at least 1280 x 1024 pixels of resolution which means that they can cover an area at least 4x larger than that of an analog CCTV camera.

2. 依法调取监控录像

Forensic Inspection


When reviewing live or recorded video, Megapixel cameras allow you to digitally zoom in on a specific area, with minimal loss of definition, to capture important details such as facial features or a license plate.

这种图像质量的提升能让用户克服传统模拟闭路监控摄像机的重大缺点 - 不能提供具有法律效力的清晰的视频录像。

This improved level of picture quality allows users to overcome one of the significant disadvantages found with traditional CCTV cameras — the lack of forensic detail they are typically able to provide.

3. 降低的成本


百万高清技术能让用户使用更少数量的监控摄像机来扑捉视频监控所要求的高清视频, 大大的降低了整个系统摄像机安装的数量和安装成本。 一款百万像素的摄像头可以覆盖四倍模拟摄像机所能监控区域。 也就是说,在同一个监控方案中,使用如果使用高清方案,那么用户可以少安装4个普通的标准摄像头,大大降低了安装成本和时间。

Megapixel technology allows you to use fewer cameras to capture the level of detail your solution requires, greatly reducing overall camera and installation costs. One Megapixel camera can capture up to four times the area of a traditional security camera. This means that you could replace up to four security cameras, and greatly reduce installation cost and time.

4. PTZ功能的替代

PTZ Alternative

在百万高清技术之前,如果想扫描整个区域必须使用一个PTZ高速球。 作为一款不同的监控摄像机,PTZ高速球内置了马达和机械装置要求更多的维护,并且持续工作的寿命不长。 除此之外,当高速球进行水平和垂直转动,从一个区域到另外一个区域时,摄像机将留下一大片监控盲点,没有监视和录像。百万像素技术能提供跟PTZ球机摄像机一样的大范围监控区域,并且不留盲点。

Before Megapixel, video scanning wide areas required a PTZ camera. While a viable surveillance tool, the motors and gears in PTZ cameras require more maintenance and have shorter life. Additionally, as they sweep forwards and backwards across the area under surveillance, at any one time PTZ cameras leave a large area un-monitored and recorded.

5. 易于安装

Ease of Installation

百万像素的网络监控摄像机可以直接连到你家里或者公司现有的网络, 而且可以使用以太网供电 (PoE)技术。使用一根网线把网络摄像机连接到路由器,就完成了整个安装。不需要在家里额外布线, 也不用担心电源的连接 (当使用带PoE功能的网络摄像机). 省事,省钱。

Megapixel cameras connect to your existing network, and are capable of using PoE (power over Ethernet). Pull one cable to the nearest Ethernet port and you’re done. No home-run cabling. No power concerns. Less hassle. Less cost.

6. 容易使用

Ease of Use

大部分百万像素网络监控摄像机都带客户端软件, 软件具有自动搜索的功能,能一键搜索本地局域网里面的网络摄像机,并进行添加, 不需要用户进行手动添加或者更改网络设置。 不同于一般的模拟摄像机,用户可以通过网络对每个摄像机进行访问,设置,监视,录像等。

Typically, IP camera comes with video network software provides a search function that quickly scans your network for cameras. Simply add the cameras to your viewing window, and you're in business. And like any IP camera, you can view and manage features remotely, via your network and over the Internet.

Tags: 网络摄像机